Phoenix Handmade Collections was created by two young women from Afghanistan and people who love Afghanistan.
Our project:
○combines a love of art and business for our project leaders and our volunteers
○organizes Bard Annandale student volunteers to create products that are sold in support of Afghan women and children
○reflects the symbol of a strong bird; after death, we are all born again stronger
Vision and Mission
Our vision is to help women and children with basic health and education expenses.
At Phoenix Handmade Collections, we believe access to healthcare and education is a fundamental human right.
We not only are raising funds for women and the next generation, but we are also providing Bard Annandale students with the skills to become future leaders in art and business.
We will be facilitating team building exercises, mentoring in marketing (including: product promotion, digital media communications, and product assembly), and networking.
Elpis Collection
Did you know art is good for your mental health?!
“Studies have shown that expressing themselves through art can help people with depression, anxiety, or cancer, too. And doing so has been linked to improved memory, reasoning, and resilience in healthy older people.”
– Harvard Health Publishing (Harvard Medical School)
For us, Phoenix is more than a project. It helps us achieve peace through art and is a salve for our pain.